How to Tell if Date Went Well

  posted by: Gretchen



How to find out if your date went wellWhen going on a date with the person that you like, it is normal to ask yourself if your date went well.  This is definitely true if you really prepared for it. You wore new clothes and a quite expensive perfume just to look good and impress him/her.  Normally, just by the use of your common sense, you’d know what it turned out.

How to Know if your Date Went Well

How to find out if it went well?  Check the following signs to determine if it went well or not.

  • You can tell that it went well if after it, the person keeps in touch with you. The person tries to establish constant communication.  This is a clear sign that the person is interested to you and that you can have more dates in the next few days.
  • The person calls or texts you from time to time or pays you a surprise visit at your workplace or home.
  • During the date itself, you can tell that it went well when the two of you enjoyed. You laughed and got interested to your topics.  There was a good flow of conversations.  You felt really comfortable with each other.
  • You didn’t notice the time.  You spent long hours without getting bored. There were no dull moments even if you were just telling not so important things.
  • On your way home, you were still talking about interesting things.  You seemed like you weren’t running out of ideas.
  • It was hard for you to say goodbye to each other.  You even kissed each other passionately.  If this is the case, he/she might have gone really well, huh.
  • Another sign that shows it went well is if you ask the person for another date, you immediately heard a resounding yes.  Try this dating advice and find out the person’s answer.

It’s not really hard to recognize if your date went well.  There are implied and apparent signs.  You just have to use your common sense.


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