How to End a Date Gracefully

  posted by: Gretchen



How to End a Date GracefullyMaking your date good is important.  How to end your date should also be as good as the date itself, particularly if you intend to date with the person again. However, some people neglect to end it gracefully.  They don’t pay much attention to it.  If you don’t end it gracefully, it can be embarrassing or worse, you can’t have another date with the person anymore.

Tips to End a Date Gracefully

How can you end it with grace? Look at the following dating tips:

  • Plan to make it short.  Tell  that you have to be somewhere at a specific time.  This will give you two benefits:  You can use your excuse to leave if you don’t enjoy the date and you can always cancel your appointment if you enjoy it.
  • Thank your date. Express your gratitude no matter how it went.  Be considerate to the feelings of the person.  Show your appreciation.  But never lie because you might give wrong signals. Don’t leave the person hanging emotionally.
  • Excusing yourself using different emergency clichés should be avoided.  They are just so old and many have used them in the past. Just tell the person that you are happy to have met him/ her but it is better to end it.  This is even more graceful than using excuses.  Think of a good way to tell it.  Be humane.  At least you are being honest.
  • End it with a handshake.  This is also one way of telling the person that you wish him/ her the best and this may your last date.  Avoid kissing the person.  However, if you feel that it’s alright to give the person a kiss or hug, then do it. But it should end there.  Don’t make any promises.
  • Don’t pretend that you enjoy it.  Know when to stop bringing up topics so that you can make your date short.

No matter how you feel disinterested, try to at least treat the person well.  Follow this advice and you will also be treated well.


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