How to Date a Workaholic

  posted by: Gretchen



Date a WorkaholicYou think you’ve found the right woman for you when you met her.  Since that day you started to fantasize and build your future with her.  But she became an unreachable star when you learned that she is a workaholic. You’ve heard that she does not have much leisure time.

Now you don’t know how to draw her closer to you because of her hectic schedule.  Don’t you fret because this post is made to help you date a workaholic.

Dating Guide & Advice for Workaholic

Take a look at the following dating tips to make your date with a workaholic a success.

  • Check her schedule and set a perfect date time. Make sure that your date is going to be wonderful to make her feel great and to make her realize that there’s more to life that just working.
  • When you’re together, don’t let the person talk about her work. Instead start a conversation that leads her attention to more interesting things in life.
  • Be patient and understanding.  It may be hard to accept that the woman is very busy that she cannot even find time to prepare a good dinner or breakfast for you but as long as you can try to understand your partner and support her.  A real man understands her woman in every way that he can.
  • When you feel sick and tired of her being workaholic, talk to her and let her know how you really feel.  Let her understand that you need her presence and her comfort as a partner.  Explain that you are not asking her to give up her career but you just want to spend quality time together.  Relationships do fall apart because of having no time for each other.

Life is about balance.  There’s time for work but there’s time for loved ones. You cannot afford to lose any of them so in order to avoid risking one, manage your time well.


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