Have you ever thought of spending your vacation in Asia ?  Why not? It has many amazing places where you can relax and enjoy life with your family or with a special someone. If you don’t have ideas about the best places, then we’ll give you some places that may interest you. Let’s explore the […]

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Planning to spend your Christmas vacation somewhere else?  Do you want to experience the spirit of the holiday in other places away from home?  Well, why not? It’s going to be a lot of fun!  Where do you plan to travel ?  If you haven’t made up your mind yet then we’ll help you decide […]

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They say that if you are so vigilant when it comes hydrating and having a clean skin, then you also have to do so when it comes to your hair.  Your hair is your crowning glory, yes it is such a cliché, but not all of us are gifted with healthy and shiny black hair […]

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Our eyes suffer and prone to a lot of infections that cause it to produce unwanted bumps, urticaria, or lesions on the area.  Some of the noted eye infections are pinguecula, sty, milia, chalazion, blepharitis, etc. Another eye problem that seems to manifests on some people is xanthelasma. The yellowish and fatty bumps found beneath […]

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Do you find yourself extremely tired to keep up with life’s demands? Do you feel that your energy is always sapped up and you feel as though you can’t pull yourself together?  If so, then you might be suffering from an illness dubbed as the 21st century syndrome – the Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. What is […]

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Periorbital hematoma is the medical term for black eye.  In layman’s term, this can also be called as “shiner”.  Generally, this occurs as a result of an injury to the face or the head.  This is considered a minor injury, however having this can still be somewhat embarrassing and not to mention extremely painful. The […]

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A callus is defined as the thickened and hardened area as a result of repetitive rubbing of the skin.  Some may mistakenly say it’s a simple blister or carbuncle. Apart from other foot problems including bunion and ingrown toenails, calluses are among the most common complaint by a lot of people.  Usually, they form on […]

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In our recent post, we’ve given you some tips on how to get quality sleep.  But the real problem sets in when you are actually suffering from sleeping disorders like insomnia. Surprisingly, statistics says that one out of three individual suffer from this condition.  Insomnia refers to the condition which poses symptoms like having trouble […]

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There are a lot of skin abnormalities that affect people. To name a few are scabies, shingles, ringworm, psoriasis, and impetigo.  This post we’ll focus mainly on impetigo, so read on as we try to give you details about this skin disorder. Impetigo is a highly contagious skin disorder which happens to all ages. However, […]

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Being one of the most conspicuous part of the face, it is hard to hide if you are lips are swelling.  In addition, when your lips are swollen, it also interferes when you’re drinking and eating.  Reacting since lips are also vital for a lot of facial expressions can be troublesome, too.  Generally, swelling of […]

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