Facebook is by far the most loved social networking sites nowadays because of a lot of interesting features it has. Among those many reasons that sets it apart from other social networking page is its variety of features to protect user’s privacy.  Through these features, one will be able to manage what information he shares […]

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The presence of melanin is the sole responsible for the color of our skin.  However, when the cells producing it are destroyed, it results to formation of white spots on the skin such as in the case of albinism and vitiligo.  While albinism is said to be hereditary, vitiligo is associated to be due to […]

Gingivitis is a local infection that occurs in the mouth. Usually, this is a result of a variety of causes and topping among them are bacteria and poor oral hygiene. Though bacteria is said to be helpful in the digestive process, having excessive of them can cause great damage to the oral cavities.  The issue […]

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A cut results when there is a break in the continuity of the tissues in the skin.  The injury can be medically termed as a laceration.  Normally, a cut varies depending on the injury to the skin which means it may be superficial or deep.  Laceration has actually a variety of causes including external forces […]

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We all have to deal with having foot odor at some point in our lives. However, the problem arises once the situation has become an everyday thing. Generally, the occurrence of this incident may be due to various causes including excessive sweating or medically known as hyperhydrosis and excessive smelliness (bromohydrosis).  If you are suffering […]

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Symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea are usually signs of underlying conditions such as stomach flu and food poisoning.  There may be other causes for the occurrence, but the fact is that your stomach has been likely affected once you’ve ingested toxic food substances with virus and bacteria on them.  The symptoms can actually be gotten […]

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If you are looking for a simple method that can give you details whether your heart and blood vessels are in good condition, then it can be done by taking your blood pressure.  Blood pressure or BP is the measurement of pressure created against the walls of the arteries. Generally, the normal range is 120/80 […]

Apart from lifestyle modifications and exercise, another part of the treatment for patients with diabetes is to monitor their blood glucose levels as these levels are essential to them in taking control of their health.  Either low levels (hypoglycemia) or high levels (hyperglycemia) can make a profound difference in a person affected with the illness. […]

Super glue like Krazy or Epoxy may be an ideal stuff in the house as it can repair all sorts of things.  However, it may live up to its name to the point that you’ll be devastated because even your fingers or hands as well as any part of the body are bonded because of […]

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The dangers posed by bites from potentially infected mosquitoes are widely increasing and these bites may cause a person to suffer from different mosquito-related diseases like Malaria, Yellow Fever, and the Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).  These days, DHF is the most commonly feared illness caused by a virus transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes which […]

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