You may have noticed that you actually have excess fat near your underarms. This loose and fatty skin seen on your elbows are often referred to as underarm flab.  As a result, this armpit fat has actually been given a lot of names such as Mrs. Jiggles, flappers, bingo arms, and shopping bag arms.  They […]

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Some people are unlucky enough at times that they result to experiencing bone fracture.  Generally, this can occur as a consequence of having a great force or stress which leads to weakening of the bones due to accidents, or other bone-related conditions. While there are many types of fractures ranging from simple like greenstick up […]

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Vomiting or medically known as emesis is one of the body’s ways of getting rid of the bad stuff which causes your gastrointestinal tract to be upset.  The reasons why the incident occurs vary from having too much to drink up to other medical conditions which poses vomiting as its symptom. Vomiting episodes can be […]

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Suffering from edema?  You might be looking for ways on how to cure edema naturally.  Stick with us as this is what this article is all about.  Before that though, let’s tackle a few details about this condition. Edema – this is the term given to refer to the swelling in the skin which causes […]

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Upper back pain is a result of the irritation to the muscles that are found in the upper area of the back and spinal column. There are actually a lot of causes why the incident occurs and among them is improper posture, injury or trauma to the spine as well as the chest region, and […]

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Characterized by red and itchy wheals on the skin, hives or medically known as urticaria can really be irritating. Oftentimes, this is confused with other medical conditions like shingles and heat rash. There are actually a lot of causes why the condition happens including allergens like specific foods, drugs, stress, heat, cold, fever, etc.  Once […]

Anatomically, the pancreas refers to the large gland located behind the stomach which is the one responsible for the secretion of the digestive enzymes. However, when this body organ becomes inflamed, it may result to a condition known as pancreatitis.  The disease can either be chronic or acute pancreatitis depending on the time span of […]

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Wounds caused by gunshot are definitely one of the most serious forms of injury that can happen to an individual. Gunshot wounds are extremely shocking and it should be addressed as soon as possible since that condition can cause varying effects caused by the trauma more than any other injuries such as being cut deeply […]

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Have you always been annoyed with how your Microsoft Xbox 360 runs slow and manifests freezing and lagging episodes?  Look here; there is nothing to fret about as you can keep your console from acting strangely by deleting the cache which will eliminate your Internet game updates.  How to clear Xbox 360 memory cache, you […]

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Rooting for your favorite games like Tetris? Wondering how to download games for your BlackBerry smartphone?  There isn’t much big fuss to make as we’ll help you utilize your mobile phone from its messaging features to a fully packed entertainment device through your games.  How to download BlackBerry games is just right at your fingertips […]

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