Seducing your partner is an art that you must learn by heart.  It’s not a thing taught in school but you just learn it through experience and by using your common sense.  You just need to find the weakness of your partner. Once you discovered it, everything will fall into its right place.  You’ll get […]

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Women have the natural power and charisma to turn on the urge of boys. Even if they don’t do anything, their boyfriend or husband are seduced. Most of the time, the man does the first move and starts the fire.  However, men do not have to be the first one to initiate lovemaking.  Sometimes women […]

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Culture is a big deal between people. People from different cultures find it hard to understand each other.  You just can’t let go of the things that you are accustomed to.  You get surprised when you encounter strange things.  This is called culture shock. But when it comes to love, you can go the distance. […]

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Teenage girls are quite different in many ways.  They are active, adventurous, and curious of many things. Actually, these are the characteristics of a typical adolescent.  How about in love?  How are they when it comes to love and dating? Of course, they are also active because they are still in the period of exploring […]

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One of the many knee injuries present, jumpers knee is the layman’s term given to patellar tendonitis.  As the name suggests, the condition is actually common to runners and cyclists as well as athletes who engage themselves in jumping activities such as track and field, volleyball, and basketball. Typically, it occurs as a result of […]

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Jaundice refers to the yellowish staining of the skin which usually starts on the face including the sclera down to the trunk and the feet.  Among its causes is the excessive build-up of the bilirubin or medically known as hyperbilirubinemia therefore causing a yellow pigment to the body.  The common misconception is that jaundice is […]

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Body piercing has become a common trend among people with actually a dozen of types you can choose from including – nose piercing and belly button piercing.  But still, having the ear lobe pierced is still the most common among them.  Generally, the risk of getting infected after having your ears pierced is quite high. […]

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We all suffer from having water trapped in our ear at times.  The incident of getting water stuck from your ear is called otitis externa or swimmer’s ear. Whatever you call it, the feeling gives us a lot of discomfort and unable to hear properly.  While this may be a total drag, there is no […]

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Breast feeding is still best for babies.  Yeah, we already know that.  However, most moms who opt for a natural way to feed their newborn would encounter hardship on how to do this.  For instance we have the issue of having low breast milk supply.  The low production of breastmilk usually varies because of a […]

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At times, swollen lymph nodes can make one anxious and alarmed as we often hear that having them can be a sign of cancer progressing in our own body. However, many people tend to think too much and fail to realize that it may just be merely a sign that your own system is trying […]

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