There are more than twenty five sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that affect individuals including herpes, gonorrhea, yeast infection, etc.  But based on statistics, Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States.  The disease is caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium which can pose symptoms such as genital inflammation […]

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The abnormal collection of blood in the human body as a consequence of a ruptured blood vessel is referred to as hematoma.   A hematoma can occur in any parts of the body depending on the injury.  In more familiar forms, this is seen as a contusion (bruise) or black eyes.  Generally, there are lots […]

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Infection of the respiratory tract can be defined as upper or lower respiratory infection.  Most people are getting confused on how to differentiate these two contagious diseases.  In today’s post though, we’ll be dealing mainly with the upper respiratory infection (URI), however we’ll also touch a little about the lower infection.  To start off, a […]

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Apparently, there are a lot of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that can afflict an individual.  The infections can come in a varying diseases like herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and the most serious – the HIV/AIDS.  The statistics of the individuals being affected with these diseases through vaginal, oral, and anal transmission continue to take its […]

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Many men fantasize Kim Kardashian.  Why not?  S he got the body and the face that truly captivate the eyes and heart of a man.  She is very popular because of her curvaceous backside.  This is the reason why many women also want to imitate the way she dresses up and the way she wears […]

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It’s December!  Christmas is in the air.  It is one of the favorite holidays of the year.  People do different things. Everybody is very busy decorating their homes with different ornaments like Christmas tree, lights, and other decorations.  For some, they start planning about vacations and parties. Others are busy making list and buying special […]

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Kids love to be in the kitchen watching or helping mom cook.  Most of them find it really fun to bake cookies and simple food recipes.  This is cool and great because mom gets the chance to teach the kids.  It’s also a good bonding for the family. In this post, we are going to […]

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I was browsing the Internet and trying to look for effective ways on how to drop a few pounds until I happened to see some searches on how to lose weight through bulimia and anorexia.  Seriously?  Losing weight through bulimia?  Many people just get so tangled up on ways regarding losing weight. Sadly though, they […]

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Fatigue, unintentional weight loss, general weakness, low blood pressure, and skin discoloration are just among the symptoms that may manifest on an individual candidate for Addison’s disease.  Addison’s disease or also known as hypocortisolism and adrenal insufficiency refers to the disorder of the endocrine wherein the adrenal glands are not producing enough cortisol in the […]

Do you want to travel but you are broke?  Hmmm.  How’s that?  Is it possible to travel when you’re broke?  How do you move without money?  How can you do it without money?  Traveling doesn’t always require you to spend your own money.  Yes! You can visit other places for free! What do you do […]

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