Gallstones are rocklike structures which form as a result of cholesterol build-up and other materials found in the gallbladder.  Having gallstones is among the common gall bladder problems individuals experience mostly by people who are trying to lose weight.  Maybe you are wondering how to know if you have gallstones.  Well then, here are some […]

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Accounted as among the top causes of cancer in the US, pancreatic cancer is known as the “silent killer” as its signs and symptoms don’t normally manifest unless it reaches the advanced stage already.  Prognosis-wise, patients diagnosed with the condition have life expectancy of five months particularly those in stage 4, but it still depends […]

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Having no money comes with many difficulties.  You are deprived of many things and experiences.  You cannot eat what you want, cannot go to places you like to visit, and you cannot date without it.  It’s definitely true!  Financial problems really suck!  But what if you really are into this woman and you just want […]

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There are many challenges that you have to face when dating a person.  The challenges depend on the situation.  They could be culture or race related problems but they could also be about anxiety.  If your date is suffering from depression, then the scenario is a little different.  Only a few would be willing to […]

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People born under the same astrological sign are often found incompatible. However, there are also happy couples that have the same zodiac signs. What does it mean? The success of your relationship depends on you. The signs in astrology may tell you things that you need to follow to make your relationship work but they […]

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For some people, dating someone with the same last name is not decent. It is unusual, awkward, and weird. They raise an eyebrow if they learn you are into this kind of dating.  It’s because, it doesn’t sound good and it’s like you are dating your relative.  That someone could be your cousin, aunt, or […]

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Dating a woman with a boyfriend can be risky but rewarding if you get the girl.  However, there are many things that need consideration if you are into this situation. Don’t just do any move without thinking wisely. You should not forget that you are after a committed woman.  If you really cannot stop thinking […]

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For most people interracial dating is a big deal.  It is an issue.  This is the reason why parents of white people do not allow their daughter to date with a black man.  This is the reason why black people feel discriminated, particularly African people.  Sad to say but they are really discriminated in many […]

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A cyst is a small and closed capsule like structures which contains fluid, gas, or semisolid material as the MedicineNet defines it.  This is an abnormal growth in the tissue which varies in sizes and can be seen in almost all parts of the body. Pilonidal cyst, baker cyst, ganglion cyst, ovarian cyst, whatever that […]

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Exercising helps a lot in maintaining fitness as well as promoting better blood flow and promote overall health.  While young people go about staying healthy and being physically fit, seniors and old people are no exception. Generally, exercises for senior citizens are focused on maintenance so that they can maintain independence in doing tasks and […]

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