When going on a date with the person that you like, it is normal to ask yourself if your date went well.  This is definitely true if you really prepared for it. You wore new clothes and a quite expensive perfume just to look good and impress him/her.  Normally, just by the use of your […]

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It isn’t impossible that you get attracted to your co-worker because you see each other almost everyday. You spend most of your time together.  You would just know that the two of you are already dating.  Well, it isn’t a good idea but there’s nothing wrong with it for as long as this is allowed […]

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Your zodiac sign tells something about you.  It gives other people an idea about your personality traits.  It also helps you choose your partner because it tells you the signs that you are compatible with.  However, it still depends on you if you want to follow your astrology advice.  You can still date anyone without […]

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Though all spiders have venom, only a few of their kind can actually intoxicate an individual with their venom. Among the greatly venomous spiders are the brown recluse spider and the black widow spider which can cause serious damages to your tissues.  On the other hand, non-poisonous spider bites like the wolf spider bite are […]

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Cherry angiomas or sometimes called as cherry hemangiomas are characterized by growth of red colored papules in any part of the body.  They are oftentimes confused with angiokeratomas.  And as the name suggests and as seen on the picture, they look like small cherries which occur on the skin’s surface.   The disorder is also […]

A lot of people have been looking for list of famous people with bipolar disorder.  It maybe because they wanted to see some inspirations out of those celebrities who have been affected with mental illnesses like borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, and the most depressive disorder – bipolar disorder. To touch a little about the topic, […]

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All of us go through highs and lows at some points in our lives. However, when the mood swings have become extreme to the point of being unable to function optimally, then help should be sought as you may just be suffering from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder which is also known […]

Spotting between menstrual cycle is among the most common concerns that every woman experiences at some point in their lives.  For some, it can be frightening and alarming, while having to experience this during menstruation is just a normal occurrence for others.  Under normal circumstances, brown vaginal discharge may occur for a day or two. […]

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Any elements which possess a density of higher than 5.0 and are actually greater than that of water are called heavy metals.  Though some may be beneficial for the body, others can be ingested in large amounts thus leading to heavy metal poisoning including mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. These are actually taken through inhalation, […]

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Most people suffer from occasional bouts of loose bowel movements or diarrhea depending on the causes.  Oftentimes, it runs its course for days and though you can’t seem to think about what to eat, there are actually a lot of foods that can help you put an end to diarrhea.  What are the best foods […]

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