Relationships do fall apart because of unfaithfulness or infidelity.  No one wants to be cheated on.  No one wants to stick with a cheating boyfriend or a cheating girlfriend.  But cheaters are good at hiding and making excuses.  They are good at making you believe they are not doing anything wrong. Infidelity Signs To avoid […]

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Beautiful skin which looks young, glowing, rejuvenated, and the absence of bumps caused by acne – that is what exactly what women and even men write on their wish list. Skin like those of celebrities’, it is!  Some go to great lengths in order to get that clear skin and experience that perfection.  They care […]

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Dating with someone you like makes you feel like you are in cloud nine.  You seem to be floating with joy. You see vibrant colors around you.  I know how it feels to be in love. But what if you get attracted to a shy or quiet girl?  Would it be fun too? Well, it […]

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Shining, shimmering locks – that is what every woman dreams of.  However, because of the many contributing causes such as damaging hair treatment, cold weather, and harsh hairstyling products that have become rampant, the hair loses its natural shine thus making your hair dry, dull and a total lackluster.  In this post we’ll help you […]

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Dandruff may not be considered a severe health threat;  however, having to deal with it daily can be annoying and can be embarrassing since it reflects how hygienic one is. So, what causes dandruff?  Apparently, the exact causes why the condition occurs are unknown, yet.  But there are a lot of factors that can trigger […]

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Dating your teacher is probably awkward and a bad idea.  It is unusual but it happens now.  You hear a lot of teacher-student romantic relationships.  It is still a taboo but some people can’t really control their emotions so they just wake up dating their teacher. Schools don’t allow this kind of relationship. Guides when […]

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Have you been thinking of going out with someone but you are thinking twice because you think you aren’t ready yet?  Is that the real reason or you are just nervous on how it will go?  This is a natural feeling if you really like somebody.  As much as possible you want to make your […]

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Are you hooked into someone you just met and now you are just desperate to impress him in 30 seconds? Hmmm.  Is it really possible?  Can you do it in just a short period of time?  Impressing a person isn’t easy. You need to get to know him well first before you think of impressing […]

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Most people find dating with a nerd or geek funny. They say these people are boring.  They are often ridiculed at school. They think that they are not good catch and that cool guys are still the better options. But how do we know that a guy is nerd? What are the characteristics of a […]

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Dating is really fun and exciting if you are dating with a cool and interesting person.  However, it becomes challenging if you date with a woman who is not into social activities but with obscure activities.  They call this kind of woman a nerd.  Nerd men and women are often ridiculed by many, especially bully […]