One of the largest states in the US is California (CA).  It is called the Golden State from the gold rush way back 1849.  What makes it famous is that it is home to more than 135 National Historic Landmarks which include Hollywood, Santa Barbara, Silicon Valley, and Napa. People from different parts of the […]

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Men don’t want to be cheated on.  Women feel the same way.  It only shows that nobody wants to be a victim of infidelity.  That’s why if you don’t want to be hurt by being cheated on, don’t do it to your partner-spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Before you find your heart bleeding, you need to […]

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You were walking at the mall and you ran into a guy who was totally cute. He was completely adorable.  You spent some moment to examine his features and you felt that your heart leapt inside.  You wanted to say something but you couldn’t open your mouth. You were totally stunned girl! When you blinked […]

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Meeting a hot girl at a party, at the bar or club, at a class, at the mall, or at the gym?  This is one of the unforgettable moments of guys in their entire life. Women are one of the weaknesses of most men. Some men don’t stop until they get the chance to be […]

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Are you planning for a vacation?  Where do you plan to have it? Have you considered going to Dominican Republic?  Well, you should consider it as one of the best places to visit. The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean country with lots of beautiful things to see and enjoy. It is one of the world’s […]

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When we think of gifts or presents, we often consider material things.  Expensive and shining pieces of jewelry, cars, house and lot, clothes, gadgets are just some of the things that come into our mind.  But what if the person almost has everything?  Let’s say your woman is rich and she can buy anything she […]

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Nothing lasts forever – this applies when we talk about our skin as well.  The young, clear, and glowing skin which you thought would last forever will eventually be filled with wrinkles, acne, and other spots if you are not too careful enough to take care of it.  Sure there are a lot of modern […]

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Feminine odor is often a part of every woman’s lives especially during pregnancy, but it doesn’t mean that you will bear with it and leave it just like it is.  At times, it can be an indication of infection.  Generally, the causes of the vaginal odor are due to bacterial vaginosis as well as Trichomas vaginalis. Other […]

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The itchy feeling down that spot where you can’t scratch it in public can leave you uncomfortable and totally disgusted. Feminine itching or vaginal itching happens to most women at some point in their lives especially before one’s period or during pregnancy.  So, what causes the situation?  Apparently, feminine itching is caused by yeast infection […]

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The thyroid hormone is the one responsible for stabilizing the body’s metabolism. Therefore when the body is deficient of the thyroid hormone, it leads to a condition known as hypothyroidism or otherwise known as underactive thyroid.  People suffering from the condition manifest symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, general weakness, coarse and dry hair, cold […]