A kiss mark has many names.  It can be hickey, lipstick mark, love marks, love bite, or passion mark.  Whatever you call it, it is still humiliating when others notice it on your neck or any other parts of your body. How does one get it?  A kissmark occurs when someone kisses or sucks your […]

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In April 2010, Globe Telecom Philippines has started a unique system to give back to their loyal subscribers and that is through the Globe Rewards program.  Apparently, the promo made a lot of consumers to be fuzzy upon receiving the text message.  And up until now, the permanent points and rewards system are still making […]

Globe Telecom paved way into the Globe Visibility Broadband service which is now known widely as the Globe Tattoo.  Globe Tattoo Broadband has been making a name in any review and in the market after it was launched. Basically because this will help you gain Internet access in almost any part of the country especially […]

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Globe Broadband Tattoo, formerly known as Globe Visibility, is Globe telecom’s offering to the masses who want to stay connected without the use of modem as the USB stick which it utilizes act as a modem already.  As the review says it, users will simply plug the stick into their desktop or laptops to go […]

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Oral care is necessary to have healthy teeth and gum.  It’s one way of keeping your body healthy.  It is also important to maintain a good relationship with others.  Socialization is affected once you experience problems associated with your oral hygiene.  People who have bad breath develop inferiority complex.  They have low self-esteem. One of […]

Nowadays, there are different things that youngsters do.  Some are weird; others are not really morally accepted.  The youth have the tendency to follow what they see in others.  They don’t think it over before they act and do the same thing.  They are simply impulsive. One of the patterns or trends in the society […]

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The development of children goes through stages.  We have the so-called milestones of development.  There are expected developmental tasks in each stage.  For instance, at 5 months, your baby bounces up and down if you let him balance his feet on your thighs.  As he continues to develop, he’ll begin to roll over, sit, and […]

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Having a baby is fulfilling on the part of parents, it adds meaning to your life as a couple.  The sense of fulfillment and pride that you feel is even more intense if you see that your baby is starting to communicate with you with his sweet smiles and cute gestures.  The first step that […]

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Social networking is very popular now.  We have Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, and Twitter.  Among the known sites, the most popular is Facebook. It helps connect people and builds stronger relationships among friends and relatives who are apart.  You can also gain new friends through social networking sites. Furthermore, you can also use networking sites to […]

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Some relationships do not last long and even marriages do end.  This is so sad but it’s the reality that we have to face.  There are many reasons why relationships fail.  There are many marital problems that are hard to solve. Couples have irreconcilable differences and love fades away over time.  No matter what the […]

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