The Manila Ocean Park is one of the tourist attractions in Manila, Philippines. It started its operation in May 2008. Now, it is now one of the favorite destinations of foreign and local visitors.  This attraction is actually a state-of-the-art oceanarium owned by China Oceanis Philippines Inc.  It features an 8, 000 sq. ft floor […]

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Dancers are usually charismatic.  They have the power to attract people with their graceful and energetic moves. They have a very powerful body language in the sense that they express their emotions through their dance moves.  On the other hand, how are dancers when it comes to dating and relationships?  Have you tried dating a […]

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Baguio City, also called City of Pines, is one of the sought after destinations in the northern part of the Philippines. Why not?  It has very beautiful and romantic spots.  It also has a very good weather which is actually similar to the weather of Tagaytay City.  You seldom see and feel the sun and […]

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When the field of culinary arts became so popular in the last few years, many professionals and students became interested with it.  Those who were with other fields shifted to the field.  That’s how in demand it has become.  Chefs are well-paid and this attracts most people. But for some, cooking is simply their passion […]

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Sunshine vitamin – that is what the others call Vitamin D for the reason that is the only vitamin that is created in the body especially when it is exposed to the sun. Primarily, this vitamin gives a lot of benefits and among them is helping the body to use calcium and phosphorus to be […]

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Vitamin A deficiency occurs when there isn’t sufficient intake of substances rich in it, inability of the body to absorb fat, excessive alcohol consumption, or as a result of liver disorders.  These will causes them to manifest signs and symptoms such as xerophthalmia or night blindness. Moreover, the lack of Vitamin A in the body […]

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Vitamin B12 or otherwise called as cobalamin is one of the eight B vitamins which give benefits including optimal functioning of the brain and nervous system as well as red blood formation.  When there is a deficiency in the vitamin, it can result to health problems and the common condition noted is the Vitamin B12 […]

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Wisdom teeth, which are also called third molars, cause pain and discomfort during their outbreak.  These teeth are the last to come out. They actually come out between ages 17 and 21.  They break through the gum tissues and this could lead to pain, swollen gums, and infection (pericoronitis). When they become impacted like the […]

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Makeup concealers are very popular as they can hide scars, marks, dark spots, pimples, and other skin blemishes. There are times when we just need to hide skin flaws like when there are special occasions or gatherings. We want to create perfect skin tone by hiding imperfections.  In order for you to succeed in hiding […]

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Thailand has been a favorite tourist destination of most foreigners who go on a vacation.  Aside from its beautiful landmarks and palaces, it is also a great place for shopping. The goods there are inexpensive but with good quality. Your money can really go far.  Aren’t you attracted to visit it? I’m pretty sure that […]

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