Do you idolize your favorite rockstar band? Do you have rock songs on your music player? And now you don’t only sing their songs but you also want to replicate their fashion sense! You want to dress up like a real rocker! You’re totally fascinated by them in that case. Rockstar wannabe, are you ready […]

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Atopic dermatitis or commonly known as eczema is a skin allergy which usually occurs in newborns and babies during their second to sixth month of life. The condition happens in children especially in toddlers and is characterized by symptoms of dry, itchy, red, thickened, and shiny skin on different parts of the bodies including the […]

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According to studies children get six to 10 colds and cough a year.   When you look at it, the burden is really on the parents. It’s not easy seeing your children suffer from that condition more often. Though the child or kids really suffer from this we can’t avoid the fact that parents who […]

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Do you worry about what type of hairstyles for round faces you should choose to avoid looking chubby? Fortunately, you have many hairstyles for round faces to choose from which actually can completely hide this fact for you. First of all, you need to know that a round face is pretty in its own way; […]

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To suffer from acne is already devastating enough and will leave you with low self-esteem. So what more when what it has left is pockmark? Uh-oh! Pockmark is another term used to refer to the scarring that acne has caused. Although, some pimples do not really leave unwanted marks, others pick and squeeze them leading […]

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Although cough is the body’s natural reaction of expelling foreign objects from the lungs, it can provide great discomfort especially among babies. And as a parent, it breaks your heart to see your little one straining and see that he’s totally not comfortable with what he feels. Okay, so as far as treatment is concerned, […]

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Hair fall of about 50-100 strands daily can be considered normal, however when it goes beyond than that, it might be a problem since excessive hair loss can lead to thinning of the hair. Some of the main causes of hair fall are the following: Hereditary factors Insufficient intake of vitamins Poor diet Stress Illness […]

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Drive safely – that is what we always read and hear. But oftentimes, when we are too used to doing things such as driving, we tend to assume that we know all about it and ignore some of the warning signs. If you’re among these people, well then take a look at some of the […]

Philippine cuisine has been gaining popularity among other nations because of its distinct taste and because of its art on preparing their food.   It may lack vibrance when it comes to color but the taste is so irresistible that you will keep coming back for more.   When we talk about Filipino recipes, adobo […]

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Summer is fast approaching and when thinking about good summer activity, there is one word that always comes in everyone else’s mind – SWIMMING. Who doesn’t love swimming? Aside from the fact that it’s a good form of exercise, it can just be a total reliever from the intense heat of the sun. I’m pretty […]

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