Annually, Chinese New Year is celebrated and you would always notice different recipes that Chinese families are never at a loss of having in their dining tables. The constantly- present Chinese food and delicacies for their celebration and that includes, chicken recipes, noodles and the sticky rice cake/ pudding or better known as the so […]

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Discoloration of lips is common nowadays especially with this kind of environment.   Discoloration takes place when pink or red lips turned into dark shades and dark pigmentation is seen on the lips.   Discolored lips is due to smoking, symptoms for some diseases, hormonal discrepancies, using expired and cheap cosmetics, biting and licking of […]

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Dubai is known as the leading business hub of the Middle East. It is a city that keeps on stretching the boundaries in lifestyle and modernization. It keeps on seeking for modern systems and amenities to be able to provide a developed city which is comprised of world class hotels, shopping malls and sports facilities. […]

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The Most Spectacular Marriage Proposal Ever. The most amazing and touching thing here is this love her fiancee feels for her. This love made him do all this for her. She’s just the luckiest woman in the world and she kept crying all the time. It made me cry,too. This is the way it should […]

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Have you ever experienced pain on your upper back particularly on your shoulder blades or maybe on the lower back and lower extremities? Chances are you might be suffering from muscle spasm or what is often called as “knots”. Knots on the back can be painful and irritating. So what causes it anyway? Basically, they […]

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Your blood cholesterol level determines your risk to having heart diseases. High blood cholesterol levels and triglycerides can bring about conditions such as lipid disorder wherein an individual has too many fatty substances in the blood. Apparently, we have two types of cholesterol in the blood – the high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein. […]

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Sure having fun and drinking till you puke your guts out is a great way to spend your Saturday night. While drinking may give you relief from the stressful week ahead of you, you still have to be careful as having too much alcohol more than your body can process can lead to alcohol poisoning, […]

Vasculitis is the term given to a group of uncommon diseases that involves the inflammation of the blood vessels. Exact causes are unknown however it is somewhat linked to be an autoimmune disorder since it’s your immune system who attacks your blood vessels. This can also occur as a result of medications, infection, and other […]

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Justin Bieber is now a very popular pop singer. He has gained popularity and favorable remarks because of his adorable songs. Well, many teens find him and his songs adorable. You’d hear teens singing his songs everywhere. However, there are people who raise their eyebrows for him. They don’t appreciate his music. Well, preferences are […]

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The teen drama series Gossip Girl is gaining popularity because of the great setting, cool stars, and the fabulous fashion styles of the characters. The storyline simply revolves around the Manhattan elite. The main characters live at the Upper East Side. They are being watched by the ever alert gossip girl. She is the all-knowing […]

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