Our world today is not a safe world to live in anymore.   With the kind of environment we have, people are more likely to get sick because of contamination in water and air.   There are some microorganisms that are present in the water or food that we eat like amoeba proetus, euglena paramecium […]

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Skin is the largest organ in human body.   Taking care of it seems easy but actually it’s not especially when it comes to our face.   Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to make your face’s skin supple and free from blemishes – boils, blackheads, pimples and acne will just show at some […]

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Having multiple partners in your sex life may seem a lot of fun but too much of everything is not really good.  In every situation, there are advantages and disadvantages.  One of the disadvantages of having multiple sexual partners is venereal warts or genital warts.  Genital wart is another term for condyloma and looks like […]

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Just a thought of snakes can bring me goose bumps all over my body. How much more when I got to see snakes face to face?   That’s a big no-no!   Snakes are one of the many unfriendly creatures I could think of. Personally I am scared of them and I don’t want to experience […]

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Numbness is a condition of some body parts like face, legs, toes, hands, foot/feet and fingers where in there is a tingling or burning sensation and followed by lack of sensation or feeling.   It’s as if you have been under anesthesia for operation but anyway that is a different case.   You feel numb […]

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Oral hygiene negligence will cause us so much trouble in the end and toothache is one of the many effects of it. Toothache is characterized by a nerve- wrecking pain around tooth or teeth. Gum pain is also experienced by patients especially if there is an abscess. Cavities or tooth decay, dental operations like root […]

Asthma is the condition of the body where in it affects the respiratory system. This condition occurs when the sensitive tissues in the airways are being exposed to certain foreign bodies that result to narrowing and reducing the amount of air to flow into the lungs. With regard to this, the cells in the airways […]

Water retention or edema is one of the many uncomfortable occurrences in our body. This is often experienced during pregnancy, before menstrual period as PMS, and as one of the symptoms of heart disease or kidney disease. Fluid retention is characterized by the swelling of the hands, legs, feet and bloating of the body. Side […]

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Most of adults think that they are the only ones who suffer from arthritis. Well, not anymore.   According to Mayoclinic.com, there is a common arthritis experienced by children below seventeen years old called Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) or Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and it is systemic to children.   Children with JRA experience stiffness and […]

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This world is such a nasty place to live right now. There are so many things that people engaged in and do that make them addicted. Vices are one of the many things people get hooked into. One form of vice is smoking. Smoking is a kind of addiction that is so hard to stop […]

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