Pinworms are tiny contagious worms or parasites found in the upper part of the colon of human being.   They are a quarter inch in length and they survive through intestinal contents.   They are common in children and some cases in adults, too.   Moreover, pinworms are different from ringworm.   The life cycle […]

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Whatever you are doing and taking that hooked you for a long a time and you can not live without is something that we call an addiction.   Addiction may be considered as harmful depending on the effects it causes to that someone.   There are different types of addiction and some of them are: […]

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One of the happiest moments of a woman’s life is when she is pregnant and carries her baby on her womb.   Though this the most precious moment, there are also many reasons why women hate it. During pregnancy, your hormones and body change.   Dark spots and skin rash are present everywhere in your […]

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It may be unfair on someone to say that the indicator of good health is a healthy skin. Well, not everyone is gifted with supple skin especially with the kind of environment we have.   Everyday, we are exposed with different kinds of toxic that really affect the natural glow of our skin. Stressful lifestyles, […]

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Any kind of pain may bring discomfort in anyone’s life. What more if the discomfort is due to jaw pain?   Our jaw is one of the most important parts of our body because it supports our oral function.   When you have jaw pain, chewing or even opening mouth is really a struggle.   […]

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There’s nothing worse than being ignored by someone you love. The pain is really unbearable when your husband, boyfriend, wife, or girlfriend ignores you and you are clueless why it’s happening. There are so many questions in your mind that need to be answered. You have attempted to reach the person but you don’t get […]

When I was a kid I really love it when my voice is husky or a bit raspy because my voice sounds good.   But now that I am a grown up, I learned that having this kind of condition indicates that there is something wrong with my throat. This medical condition is called laryngitis. […]

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If a person’s thyroid produces not enough amount of different hormones then that person has medical condition known as hypothyroidism or low thyroid or underactive.   Symptoms of hypothyroidism include adrenal fatigue, depression, body aches, and weight gain that are usually similar to symptoms of anemia.   Women and men over fifty years of age […]

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Chest congestion is one of the most uncomfortable conditions. This medical condition makes anyone feel painful.   The patients usually have difficulty breathing and chest pain is felt because the lungs are filled with excessive mucus and fluids.   This condition is accompanied with cough which is a natural procedure of the body to get […]

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Meeting people from different culture is fun and exciting. Your experience and knowledge are enriched. But dating with a person from a different culture is a different thing. It is pretty challenging. Dating Guides Below is a list of dating tips on how to date a Mexican woman. Take a careful look at the following. […]

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