Being happy is our own personal choice. Every individual has his/her own meaning of happiness. What makes one happy may not be true to others. It’s on how you see it. There are those whose happiness is just simple, many are those who wants accomplishments for them to experience real happiness. But when do we […]

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When we consume food or beverages contaminated with bacteria, virus, and parasites, we can suffer from a disease known as foodborne illness. This is commonly known as food poisoning, and although this is usually mild, it can pose great risks especially when interventions aren’t given accordingly. It is noted that 40 million people in the US are […]

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In determining the calories per day needed to lose weight, we must first try to calculate the daily caloric intake needed by the one’s body.  Some people stick to the subjective value like 1400 calories a day and that is how much they eat, but let me remind you guys that the amount of calories […]

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One thing that makes Facebook fun and interesting is the flash games that we can play there. We have Farmville, Farmtown, Fish Tank, Restaurant City, Yoville, Mafia Wars, and a lot more.  These and many other things can keep us online on Facebook!  If we can’t fight the urge to face these things, there’s a […]

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Every human being needs to sleep so that they can resume healthily and normally to their activities of daily living. While sleeping is really essential to all people, there are actually people who suffer from sleep disorders. There are a number of sleep disorders identified and they are generally classified into three categories: Lack of […]

Do you want to get a life?  Do you want to unwind with your honey? How about considering a trip to Europe? Yes! A trip to Europe sounds interesting! Visit the must-see spots there before you die.  Places like Delphi in Greece, Castle Toblino in Northern Italy, Eiffel Tower in France, Tower Bridge, and Edinburgh […]

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Do you feel less confident because your face has lots of pimples? Do they pop out at inappropriate times?  Honestly, seeing these things on your face when you look at the mirror can really make you sad, disappointed, and less confident.  Well, then stop frowning and start finding solutions to your problem. There are many […]

Cancer is a deadly disease. It’s been killing a lot of people for generations.  Many believed and have wished to surpass this but it’s really a traitor to humanity. How many of you know cancer of the pancreas?  This is just one kind of cancer that needs to be given attention.  How to diagnose pancreatic […]

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Each year, many people die from different types of diseases as a result of poor lifestyle choices. The way we lead our lives and the practices that we continue to do have played a big role in having an ill relationship with our health. Having said this, let us take a look at one form […]

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One of the serious health problems that people face today is diabetes.  People who suffer from diabetes experience problems converting food to energy. Normally, after a meal, the body breaks down food into glucose. The blood carries glucose to cells throughout the body. Cells need insulin which is a hormone made in the pancreas to […]