Curly hair is beautiful.  This is why men and women who have straight hair want to be curly.  Lucky are those who were born having the natural wave or curl.  However, the problem that they face is it is sometimes difficult to manage or control.  It gets really frizzy and poofy! What makes curly hair […]

Headache.  Argh!  As much as we don’t want it, it happens due to various causes including – migraine, sinus headache, or hangover after having had too much to drink.   But whatever the reasons are, having to experience this can really be weakening and can hinder us from doing our everyday routine. Some people tend […]

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Vomiting is among the common problems in children.  Kids often complain of nausea and that they don’t feel good.  This is also dangerous as it can cause dehydration just like diarrhea.  That’s why every parent should be informed of the things that they should do when this occurs to their kids. What Causes Vomiting ? […]

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Vertigo is a condition in which a person who suffers from it can feel dizziness which is caused by an abnormal sensation. This problem is associated to the sense of balance and equilibrium.  The feeling of dizziness takes place when the central nervous system receives conflicting messages.  This condition can be very bothersome. Many people […]

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I have my Facebook account and I do receive lots of friend request even from people that I don’t know.  Are you experiencing the same thing? I bet.  You wouldn’t be here if not, right? Everytime I get a friend request, I check on the profile photo if it rings a bell. If it does, […]

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Having crush is normally felt or experienced by young adults.  They feel admiration toward a person.  As a matter of fact adolescents experience the so-called puppy love which is often mistaken as real love. The funny part is that you don’t always get what you want.  Your crush may not be interested to you.  He/ […]

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Are you interested with a woman born under the astrological sign of Cancer ? Generally cancer women are self-absorbed, oversensitive, and moody. If you are really into attracting a Cancer woman then this post is perfect for you. You’ll learn about her traits as a female and as a person. You’ll also get tips on […]

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One of the most difficult kinds of girl to deal with when dating is a shy girl.  It’s pretty hard to handle this type of girl maybe because you find her boring and you are clueless on what interests her.  If you happen to meet a shy woman and you get interested in her, there […]

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Sore eyes or medically known as conjunctivitis is just among the many eye infections that most people get to experience once in a while.  This can be irritating because of the pain and discomfort it brings especially that you can’t see a clear view of everything around you. Causes of Conjunctivitis Bacteria – causing redness […]

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Asthma is a chronic and inflammatory condition that occurs when the airways become sensitive to an allergen that triggers an allergic reaction.  When your asthma symptoms worsen and cause your airways to narrow, it can trigger an asthma attack. This makes it difficult for the person to breathe. This is awful and prevention should be done […]

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