Vaginal discharge is just normal for every woman’s life.  It is a way of cleansing the vagina that keeps it healthy by balancing the acid inside it.  It is also a way of protection from harmful infections.  This is present before ovulation, during early pregnancy and before monthly period.  The discharge is characterized as thick […]

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The essence of a woman is giving birth.  When you plan to get pregnant and raise a family, the woman should be extra careful.  It is important to keep the woman healthy and safe during conception to ensure that the baby will be healthy, too.  Getting pregnant over 30 is pretty critical so it is […]

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Some imperfections on our face that are not that visible are often neglected. We tend to never mind those things on our face because we believe that they are just nothing compared to acne and pimples.   One of the examples here is whiteheads / blackheads.   Whiteheads are color white and tiny that we […]

The face is the part of the body which draws attention first among any other parts.  People read your mind based from your facial expression and gestures.   People judge you by the look on your face.  It so important to take care of your face more than anything else.   Though our face seems […]

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Have you ever had that feeling where your stomach was so upset and there’s an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach?!?  Moreover, how about that terrible abdominal pain which makes you nauseated as though you’re going to pass out any moment?  If you have, then more likely you had a queasy stomach back […]

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You have sore gums and based from personal experience, this can really be weakening.  It can debilitate you and affect your normal level, right? What more is that you won’t even find pleasure in eating, drinking, or talking as the condition gets in the way and makes it too painful for you.  In general, swollen […]

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People who are out in the wilderness area to go camping or hiking pose a high chance of reptile bites. Some snakes are venomous such as the rattlesnake and cobra, while others are non-venomous like the anaconda.  But, whether or not these snakes are venomous, snakebites can really be fatal or can cause an allergic […]

One of the health problems of women is having irregular periods.  This is quite an indication that your cycles have become imbalanced.  There are those women who don’t care about it until they get married and begin trying to get pregnant.  This is pretty alarming as it can be a sign of an underlying disease […]

It’s quite embarrassing for men to have conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.  This affects the sexual relationship of a man to his wife or to his partner.  Men who have this lose confidence and sometimes they get depressed and can also bring on great emotional and psychological distress for the man and his […]

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Epilepsy is a condition affecting the central nervous system which is associated with seizure.  Generally, the cause why this condition happens is unknown like in the case of temporal lobe epilepsy, but it is usually linked to genetic predisposition.  There are actually several types of epilepsy and all of them have different causes, symptoms, and […]

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