Reasons for Spotting Between Periods

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Reasons for Spotting Between PeriodsSpotting between menstrual cycle is among the most common concerns that every woman experiences at some point in their lives.  For some, it can be frightening and alarming, while having to experience this during menstruation is just a normal occurrence for others.  Under normal circumstances, brown vaginal discharge may occur for a day or two.  On the other hand, brown, light, or pink spotting between periods may be an underlying disorder which needs further medical intervention.  The battle whether or not it is normal, if you notice irregular spotting between periods, seek the advice of a medical professional to ensure that it isn’t something that you have to worry about. In today’s post though, we’ll identify some of the reasons for spotting between periods.  Here they are:

Reasons for Spotting Between Periods

The actual reasons for irregular bleeding can actually vary from one woman to another, but some of the most common causes noted are:

  • Pregnancy/ Implantation bleeding – Once the fertilized egg is embedded in the uterine wall, it causes bleeding as a result of rupture in the wall of the uterus.  On the other hand, implantation bleeding may also be experienced by pregnant women during the first three months of conception.  Pregnancy may cause you to miss your period, but lets you experience spotting.
  • Birth Control Use – contraceptives like IUDs can also cause intermenstrual bleeding.  Oral pills can also make women experience spotting since artificial hormones are introduced in the body.
  • Stress – this mainly affects the hormonal balance in the woman’s body. Therefore, when hormones are altered and extreme stress is experienced, spotting before period or even between periods may occur.
  • Other pregnancy complications like ectopic pregnancy
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Vaginal Infections such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory diseases, and vaginitis
  • Cancer
  • Anticoagulant drugs
  • Gynecological procedures
  • Menopause

There you go.  Those are some of the possible reasons for spotting between periods. For a definitive diagnosis as to why you are experiencing the situation, a visit to your OB/GYN would be highly beneficial.  Good luck!


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