How to Treat Jumpers Knee

  posted by: Rio Dianne



patellar tendonitis or jumpers kneeOne of the many knee injuries present, jumpers knee is the layman’s term given to patellar tendonitis.  As the name suggests, the condition is actually common to runners and cyclists as well as athletes who engage themselves in jumping activities such as track and field, volleyball, and basketball. Typically, it occurs as a result of inflammation and swelling of the patellar tendon which is, in anatomy, located inferior to the knee cap.  Our patellar tendon is responsible for stabilizing the leg muscles thus once its strained, pain and discomfort may be felt.

Signs and Symptoms of Patellar Tendonitis

The most common symptom manifested by a person suffering from the condition is knee pain and it is even increased when the person engages in activities like kneeling, jumping, squatting, running, etc.  The injury is also associated with swelling on the body part.  Usually, diagnostic tests will be performed to confirm the problem.  An MRI may also be asked to look for damaged tendons among people with chronic jumpers knee.

How to Treat Jumpers Knee

Below are some of the ways you can do on how to cure and get rid of patellar tendonitis.  Some may be home treatment through the use of home remedies which may be beneficial in providing comfort from the pain felt.

  • Primarily, rest is the first treatment you can do on how to cure it.  The affected area needs to recover thus immobilizing it by avoiding strenuous exercises as well as activities that might further complicate the condition are often advised.
  • Ice application is also necessary to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Compression and elevation through the use of strap and brace or band may also be given to alleviate discomfort and promote healing of the situation.
  • Take some anti-inflammatory medications that will improve the condition by reducing swelling and inflammation.  There is an array of choices for this; however, it would be better to consult a doctor about it.
  • Oftentimes surgery may be required especially those with chronic and degenerative patellar tendons.  However, this should be consulted to your doctor to see if you make a good candidate for the surgical procedure.  Rehab for jumpers knee cases may also be advised post operation.
  • As for home remedies, one should avoid red meat during injury as this can trigger pain even more.  Consumption of ginger, turmeric powder, fish oil, and devil’s claw are just some of the beneficial remedies you can use because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

Jumpers knee may really be debilitating which is why at the end, it is always better to learn how to prevent it.  Warming up before workouts through stretching exercises are just some of the preventive measures you can take regarding the situation.  How to treat jumpers knee? Hope this has helped.


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