How to Treat Hematoma

  posted by: Rio Dianne



How to Treat HematomaThe abnormal collection of blood in the human body as a consequence of a ruptured blood vessel is referred to as hematoma.   A hematoma can occur in any parts of the body depending on the injury.  In more familiar forms, this is seen as a contusion (bruise) or black eyes.  Generally, there are lots of types of hematoma which can be classified into the less serious or more serious type.

Less Serious Type of Contusion

This type includes subungual, hematoma auris, and perianal.  These can be found on the nails, ears, and anus respectively.  Moreover, hematoma on the thighs, legs, and even the abdominal can also be present especially after an injury or fracture.  For this, some symptoms that usually manifest are pain, swelling and black and blue discoloration.

More Serious Type of Contusion

Under this classification, we have the cerebral contusion.  Examples are the epidural and subdural hematomas.  In this one, the brain is bruised with possibility of intracranial hemorrhage.  This happens after resulting from a skull fracture and trauma.  Pressure may be placed on the brain and associated with symptoms like loss of consciousness, deficit in the neurologic function, faint pulse, shallow breathing, and subnormal blood pressure.  This can be extremely life threatening and coma might occur or on severe cases, death.  Epidural and subdural hematomas damage may be hard to predict and this far exceeds what on can reasonably treat.  Having said this, the best option for treatment is to get the patient to the hospital to be given emergency treatment thus avoiding complications.  However, this article will provide you some tips on how to treat hematoma – the less life threatening one though the use of home treatment.

How to Cure Hematoma

For superficial hematomas, the best home remedy on how to get rid of them is by using the RICE technique.

  • Rest and immobilization, of the area should be done since sprain and fracture are associated with contusions, the sufferer should at least refrain from strenuous activities for at least 5 days up to three weeks depending on the degree of injury.
  • Application of ice intermittently is another way on how to cure the condition.  This should be applied for at least 20 to 30 minutes several times each day to decrease bleeding, swelling, and pain.
  • Compression is another way of treatment for this.  Bandages are widely available that can help to control bleeding and reduction of edema.  Moreover, it provides support to the injured are to prevent reinjury.
  • Elevation of the area of affectation is also beneficial to control the swelling.

Furthermore, one should eat foods rich in Vitamin C to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels. Vitamin K can also be taken as it helps in the blood clothing process.  Pain management through ingestion analgesics and anti-inflammatory should be ingested to alleviate discomfort.  Finally, wound care as well watching out for any untoward situation should be observed.  This is how to treat hematoma.  Was the article helpful?


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