How to Get Pregnant with a Baby Boy

  posted by: Rio Dianne



It is common that majority of the married couples aim for a baby boy especially for their first born.  Even some of them are visiting fertility clinics to make sure that they will be successful in planning for a baby boy.  However, not all of them are given the chance to conceive a baby boy that they wanted.  And so, you might here them ask questions like how to get pregnant with a baby boy.

If you are trying to conceive a baby boy, there are actually things that you can do.  This article will give you ways to get a baby boy that you’ve wanted to have.  Read the tips below on how to get pregnant with a baby boy.

Tips on How to Get Pregnant with a Baby Boy

  • Test the alkalinity of your body to conceive a baby boy. The sperm of the man dies quicker especially if it’s in a highly acidic environment. So to make the male chromosome lasts longer, you need to lower the pH of your body.  Condition the pH level of your body by your diet, by eating certain food rich in alkaline including – red meat, salty food, bananas, etc.  You can also consume vegetables except corn to make your vagina alkalytic. Douching with alkaline solution will help, too.
  • Observe correct sexual positions to get pregnant fast with a baby boy. When having sexual intercourse, allow deep penetration so the sperm will be placed closer to the egg.  Put your legs on your partner’s shoulders when having intercourse.  Also, try to put a pillow under your hips. Doing this will help the exposure of the sperm cell shorter in reaching the egg cell.
  • To conceive a baby boy, observe a perfect timing for the conception to occur. Make sure that you have sex during the time of your fertility or ovulation.  The life expectancy of the male sperms is generally shorter, that’s why having sex before a woman’s ovulation days won’t make the sperm survive.   The couple should be aware of the female’s ovulation because this is just something that they can’t ignore. They can make use of some ovulation prediction kits so that they’ll be aware when ovulation is approaching.

Now, you won’t dwell much with the question “How do you conceive a baby boy?” because of the easy tips that we’ve given you on how to get pregnant with a baby boy.  Just put all these ways together and you’ll be on your way to achieving the pregnancy that you’ve wanted.


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2 Responses

Denz Says:May 14th, 2012 at 8:39 am

hello kate. We have a post on how to get pregnant with twins. Check it out, here’s the link:

kate Says:May 13th, 2012 at 11:30 pm

hi there….i have always wanted to have twins…..what do i really need to do…please help..!!

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