How to Cure Hepatitis B Naturally

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Apparently, there are five types of hepatitis which is caused by different hepatitis virus.

  • Hepatitis A – This is caused by eating food and drinking water which is infected with the “HAV” virus.  This type actually occurs as a result of poor hygiene.  This is a mild disease, thus it can be resolved without treatment in 4-8 weeks time.
  • Hepatitis C – Similar to Hepatitis B, this type also causes the liver to swell therefore damaging the liver and can lead to cancer. This is actually ranked as one of the leading causes of liver disease.
  • Hepatitis D – Hepatitis D is caused by the “HDV” virus.  It is only when you get infected with Hepatitis B that you can have this type.
  • Hepatitis E – this is acquired by drinking water contaminated with the virus.

Cure Hepatitis B NaturallyAnd the last and common type is the Hepatitis B.  This disease is caused by the HBV which silently infects the liver leading to liver disease, cancer, and even death.  Among the causes of transmission is through contact with an infected person’s semen, blood, and other body fluid which can be sexually transmitted just like HIV.

Some of its symptoms include mild fever, dark urine, ill-health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and later will progress to the development of jaundice.  While there is no treatment for Hepatitis, the best thing to do once you’ve been diagnosed with the condition is to talk with your doctor to arrange specific course for your condition.  Protecting yourself from Hepa B can also be a good help so it’s better to get a vaccine against it. You can also opt for the natural remedies and other protocol on how to treat Hepa B at home by following some of the tips below.

How to Treat Hepatitis B Naturally

  1. Use milk thistle.  Thistle seeds bring overall well-being in the health of a person with chronic or acute stage of Hepa-B.  It also increases one’s appetite.  Make a decoction out of the seeds and use it safely as food.
  2. Artichokes are also among the natural way to treat liver disorders. These lower the cholesterol level and control your weight.   Make a leaf decoction out of these and you can combine them with milk thistle.
  3. Licorice root is yet another remedy for Hepatitis B.  It’s been used by other cultures to be more effective than any other drugs.  However, it should be used with medical supervision as it can cause hypertension for some people.
  4. Whey protein is said to have improved liver dysfunctions and reduces inflammation for patients suffering from the disease.  It should be taken 24 grams daily.
  5. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) reduces the severity of the inflammation of liver.  Take 100 mg of Thiamine daily.
  6. A balanced diet is suggested for hepatic sufferers.  Drink plenty of fruit juices.  Consume fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein rich food.

These are some of the suggested tips we can give you on how to treat Hepatitis B naturally.   Keep in mind that you need to talk with your physician first prior to undertaking some of the remedies mentioned above.  Good luck! :)


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