How to Get Fairer Skin for Men at Home Naturally

  posted by: Feby



how to get fairer skin for menWomen are known to be vain and they would be willing to do a lot of things just to have the beauty they want. On the other side, this connotation is not only true for women but for men also. Men want to empress the opposite gender by trying to look good in front of them. Guys also want to have that fair looking skin especially those who are born with brown complexion. Light/pale skinned man are usually have an edge when it comes to career opportunities.   Because of this notion, men are also engaging into something that would really make them light skinned the best way. Some men would try different products such as gluthatione to achieve their desired result in the fastest way. What if you don’t have the money to go to dermatologist and buy those whitening products, does it mean you’re hopeless?  Of course not!  Here’s the good news: men can still have that light skin by trying some natural ways or some home remedies that you can find at home.  So, how to get fairer skin for men at home naturally?

Beauty Tips for Men to Get Fairer Skin

  • Lemon juice and honey.  Make a mixture out of these two ingredients and apply them on your face and body.  Let it dry for few minutes then rinse thoroughly.
  • Cucumber.  Slice cucumbers, get the juice from it then apply on your face and body before going to bed.  Let it dry for few minutes and sleep with it. Rinse your whole body the next day.
  • Oatmeal and yogurt.  Make a paste.  Apply it on your face and body. Let it stay for 30 minutes.  Then rinse off.
  • Turmeric and milk.  Make a mixture or paste.  Add a few drops of lemon juice.  Mix them well.  Apply the mixture evenly on your face, neck and body.  Let it stay for 30 minutes.  Rinse well.
  • Milk, almond oil and honey.  Mix these ingredients then add few drops of lemon juice.  Apply it on your body.  Let it stay for few minutes.  This mixture exfoliates the skin and can make your complexion lighter.

Along with these natural ways, you can also take some food supplement such as Vitamin E and C.   These two vitamins when combined can help you get a fairer skin.   Do the tips above religiously if you want to attain the desired result in fastest time.   Take care of your skin and love your body.


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One Response

Anna Says:July 14th, 2011 at 11:22 pm

Hey great tips! i found some good info on how to get fair skin naturally here too.

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