How to Treat a Centipede Bite
posted by: Rio Dianne
Centipede bites especially those made by the giant desert centipede and the banded desert centipede can be extremely painful compared to a bite of an earwig, an insect, or bugs. The chances of being bitten to death are rare so making a buzz out of it is not necessarily needed. However, poison can still be injected into your body which is why it is better to take actions immediately once you’re bitten by it. How to treat a centipede bite, you ask? Before we go about treating it, let’s take a look at some typical symptoms that you can notice once the situation occurs.
Generally, you can notice localized swelling from the area of affectation. Two puncture wounds may also be visible as a result of the bite from the centipede’s claws. Pain is also among the chief complaint of the typical symptoms seen. In serious cases though, the patient may experience tissue damage, tenderness on the area, intense pain and itching, headache, nausea and vomiting, fainting spells, and increased blood pressure. Once the symptoms have become complicated, immediate medical treatment should be sought as possible.
How to Cure a Centipede Bite
Following the incident, the patient as well as the immediate responder should remain calm. Wash the affected area immediately with mild soap and water. Never attempt to wash it with alcohol. The nest thing that you can do is to place an ice on the wound for atleast 10 minutes and off for another 10 minutes. Repeat the cycle to help relieve pain and swelling. If you experience itching on the site, then you can apply some creams like Benadryl or calamine lotion to alleviate itching.
Home Remedies on Treating a Centipede Bite
The following are some of the natural remedies practiced in other places to help on how to cure sting caused by this arthropod:
- Crushed onion can be applied directly on the sting site.
- Urine, on the other hand, is also counted as a remedy on how to neutralize the poison’s acidity. This can be applied topically on the site.
Whether those home remedies are true or just merely tell-tale, it would still be better to seek medical attention promptly right after you’ve applied first aid on the sting. This way, the medical professional will help you on how to handle the bite properly such as administration of tetanus toxoid shots as well as keeping observation for further complications caused by the incident. Good luck!
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