How to Cure / Treat Skin Fungus – Candidiasis, Tinea Versicolor, Ringworm, Skin Discoloration, Athlete’s Foot, Eczema

  posted by: Gretchen



cure treat skin fungusIf the skin is affected by a fungal infection, it is termed skin fungus.

Skin infections are manifested in various forms.  When we say skin infections we mean candidiasis, tinea versicolor, ringworm, discoloration, athlete’s foot, eczema, and many more.

Fungus infections are also seen in toenails.  The nails curve inward.  These are recognized when you feel or see the signs including rashes, redness, itching, flaking, rash, and others.

What Causes Skin Fungus ?

You have a high risk of suffering from infections if you:

  • are taking steroids
  • have diabetes
  • have taken antibiotics
  • are obese
  • have a history of fungal infections
  • have a weak immune system caused by illnesses

How to Treat Skin Fungus ?

Once you’ve confirmed the occurrence of skin infections, you begin to wonder how you’re going to cure them.  There are medications in the market but there are also home remedies that can help you eliminate them.  Read the following.

  • Keep your skin dry and clean.  Fungus stays in moist areas.
  • Eliminate the dead skin.  If it’s ringworm, you can apply a drop of apple cider on the infected area. Do it 4 times a day. You can also use a small quantity of nail polish.
  • For athlete’s foot, you can use tolnaftate. It can treat this problem in a month or two.
  • For tinea versicolor, you can apply an anti-dandruff shampoo once a day.  Leave it on the skin for 5 minutes then wash it off.  You can also use ketoconazole or miconazole cream for any type of fungal infection. Apply a small amount once a day for 2 weeks.
  • Other people take a ketoconazole pill a day for 2 weeks along with an anti-fungal cream.  This treatment works, too.

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.  Observe proper hygiene and avoid contact with people who have these skin infections.


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